Friday 14 May 2010

little test


  1. I was arsing about on Wikipedia recently and i noticed that it's very hard to know how big or small something is without any terms of reference. Some American states are as big as, and bigger than Britain, but, like how much bigger, and why do they have cities that make some of our modest towns look big? What I'm going to try to do here is give me fellow Brits some terms of reference for such things, like sizes and population and perhaps extend it on to events, to give an idea of things from our (or my) perspective. Bear with me, I am still in thought about this, but I soon hope to be posting pictures and stuff to try and, well, god knows. Cheers, Rob

  2. The UK covers 243,610km2 and has an estimated population of 62,041,708 buggers. I will be using these as the basic stats for calculations. Don't worry about them being metric, I haven't got much of a clue with those either, but as I intend to compare like for like and to illustrate where possible, the actual unit of measurement isn't all that relevant, it's the proportion that counts. Please note these are UK numbers. I will probably use maps that show the whole of the British Isles, including Eire, because that's what is most recognisable, haha i might even use the figure of approx. 65 million for the whole lot. Haven't decided yet, but I just want to make it in the clearest visual way. Don't worry i will say what i have dont for each and every so there's no confusion. Probably.
