Saturday 15 May 2010

Ok, now here is a real shocker. I know you chaps out there can see a world map and can see a huuuge country like the beautiful Brazil is clearly a bit bigger than our little island, but look at this. WE ARE LOST IN IT! I've plonked us just above the insanely remote capital, Brasilia, and you can see from the map, that it takes about the whole of the length of the UK to get from there to Rio de Janeiro on the coast, and compared to the whole country it looks like nothing! Brazil is seriously big, 8,514,877km2, that is THIRTY FIVE BRITAINS!!! That would be 35 Londons, 35 Manchesters, and yes, sadly, 35 Plymouths. But look at the scale. I will try and break this down a little into other stas but for now just look...

1 comment:

  1. would be lovely to have a couple of UKs in it, PLEASE DO IT!Plenty of empty space and slaves to build it all.
